Wednesday 30 March 2022



There was nothing particularly special about that day. It was a regular day like any other, except I wasn't quite as excited or upbeat as I usually am. I don't think I was feeling depressed...just a little bored and restless. My day was lacking something special, but I couldn't put a finger on what it was that was missing. Social media held no appeal, reading (my favourite hobby) couldn't break the chill, fashion designing (my greatest passion) was a 'no deal'. Ugh! Nothing was making any sense to me. 

It was in this listless state I picked up my phone and opened the camera, I said to myself 'babe, just smile and if u don't feel like it just fake it. Make a silly face and take the photo'. And that's what I did. When I took a look at the picture, I saw that my eyes sparkled with delight that I hadn't felt, my face was lit with a bright excited smile, anyone would think I was having the best day of my life just looking at that delectable expression on my face. My mood did a complete 180. My own smile completely turned my moodiness to merriment.  I practically skipped to my tailoring desk and my hitherto uninspired mind was bubbling with exciting designs I wanted to create. All my inhibitions were just gone with the wind. I was ecstatic. And guess what? It was all because of a smile 😃.

So why am I boring you with this long gist? I'm just trying to show you the power of a smile, your smile, yes you. In these perilous times, we all have something to give. So if u don't have food to give, if u can't afford to provide some basic amenities for that poor family or that security guard, if you can't afford to give that person that looks sad a hug because of social distancing, guess what? No amount of social distancing can take away the effect of your smile. So cheer someone up with your smile today, yes, that very smile 😃. You might be saving a life. 

© Inegbedion-Odia Anastasia

Wednesday 1 July 2015


 Let me dream!
Oh let me dream of romance,
Let me close my eyes and dream of fairy tale lands.
I’ll pretend, I’ll just pretend I’m a princess and
That I’m dressed in pearls and pretty princess jewels.

Let me, oh let me fantasize!
That my prince is strong and easy on the eye,
Sculpted and ribbed like the gods of the Greek,
Sweeping me off of my feet
With words so sinfully sweet.

I’ll dream and for a moment,
My heart will soar above my present,
I’ll close my eyes and make all things perfect,
And I’ll never awaken from this moment,
Because this moment is me,
I am but what I dream!

Friday 26 June 2015


Life isn't measured by the breathes we take but the moments that take our breath away.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

So I went on a journey, a very long journey. It lasted nine months and then some…. I came back with something, nay someone ;) …. Someone precious. It’s to him I dedicate this day, the very last day in the year 2014. And it’s to him I dedicate this poem… ok it’s not so much of a poem, just a flopped attempt at expressing my feelings…


It happened on the 24th of August,
I received a precious little bundle,
Wrapped up in shawls of soft flowery blue,
A pinky little chubby face
Peeking out of the folds,
Eyes closed,
With the most heavenly expression of peace
I can ever hope to see
On this blessed earth.

On that fateful day in August,
I held my precious son in my arms
For the very first time
And tears of unfathomable joy
Slid down my cheeks,
My heart swelled with joy,
With exhilarating feelings
That defy words
Or any other (sane) form of expression.

You are my ray of sunshine on a gloomy day,
The tickle in my sides
When I need a little laughter
To brighten my morning,
Your laughter is as the soothing sound of spring waters
Lapping against sun kissed rocks,
You are my gift from God,
The harmony to my days!

HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE! And may the year 2015 be like none other for the glory of the latter shall be greater than the former.

Monday 14 January 2013


My phone beeped loudly. I grumbled with irritation as I rolled over in bed. I opened one eye and peeped at the time. A little more sleep wouldn't hurt one bit. As I slid back into oblivion, a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach kept me half alert. Again my phone beeped even more loudly. Christ! Can't a lady just be left alone? I quietly cursed the man who invented the GSM as I roughly tossed the duvet aside and stretched myself in an exaggerated manner. My irritation was destined for greater things though......